Meet the 2024 Speakers
Jeff Stimpson
Mike Show
Lynelle Buchanan
Andy Giessman
Workshop Speakers

Ted Boykin

Sherrie Boykin

Nate Miller

Matt Ames

James Buchanan
Will Wintermute

Mike Show
Jason Matthews
Jeff Stimpson
Jeff loves teenagers and speaks regularly at teen conferences, camps and retreats around the United States and other parts of the world including a recent trip to Nepal. Ultimately, Jeff’s passion is to see those far from Christ become devoted followers of Jesus.
Jeff is a 1995 graduate of Clarks Summit University. As a student, he played four years of soccer and was part of two NCCAA II national championship teams while also earning two First Team NCCAA II All-American Awards. Jeff and his wife, Carrie, have four kids and have been in full-time ministry since 1995. Jeff is currently the lead pastor at Grace Powell Church in Ohio.
Mike Show
Mike brings energy and passion to everything he does. Leading on the court or as a speaker on stage, he has made the heart of his ministry to point students to Christ. With Christian school teaching and administration experience, Mike helps students think seriously about how they will steward their lives for God.
Mike graduated from CSU in 1992 and coached the Defender men’s basketball team for 20 seasons—the longest-running head men’s basketball coach in CSU’s history. Though named “Coach of the Year” numerous times, he measures success not by the number of awards but by helping his players become true men of character. He currently serves as CSU’s head golf coach and director of athletics. Married to Valerie, they have six children and one grandchild.
Lynelle Buchanan
As a CSU student, Lynelle found a love for God’s Word, and it changed her forever. She speaks passionately to audiences about how we as Christians should live in light of Scripture.
Lynelle is a wife, mom of three and dean of the School of Behavioral Sciences at Clarks Summit University. A Nationally Certified Counselor and Licensed Professional Counselor, she teaches at undergraduate and graduate levels and serves as the resident director for Fletcher Hall. Her life keeps her pretty busy, but if she has any spare time, she loves to read, play volleyball and travel.
Andy Giessman
Andy is executive director of the Addison’s Walk Center for Christian Studies, a nonprofit organization located in Scranton, PA. Engaging the academic community at the crossroads of faith, reason, and culture, Addison’s Walk Institute is modeled after other Christian study centers around the world. He holds advanced degrees in theology and philosophy and is a Doctor of Ministry Philosophy student at Talbot School of Theology. Andy has over 20 years of ministry experience and is a sought-after speaker for youth groups throughout the United States, delivering radical messages that challenge students to think through the claims of Jesus Christ. He teaches theology and philosophy at the University of Scranton.